The winner of the Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Recipe giveaway is VeRAWnica! Congrats! Please contact me at
Things haven't been too exciting today. I'm a little baked out, so I've been eating a LOT of salad. I still need to go through the recipe rating cards and decide what I'm going to do with some of them. I already have some ideas for improvements. I work right across the street from Uwajimaya, so I'm excited to try some of the yams, sweet potatoes, and other tubers in baked goods. I want to focus on savory foods and breads for a while, but will probably wait to start baking on Thursday. We have a LOT of leftovers from this weekend, so both Lance and I are taking them to work. I'll start freezing them tomorrow for when Owen comes over.
Thank you!!!!! Can't wait to receive the book!